When facing the dark specter of burnout it can feel impossible to extricate yourself from your work focus. If you can only give what you’ve got, then what is the cost of serving others when your own reserves are depleted? …
Read more →When facing the dark specter of burnout it can feel impossible to extricate yourself from your work focus. If you can only give what you’ve got, then what is the cost of serving others when your own reserves are depleted? …
Read more →Join us in spreading connection and hope to strangers to battle the effects of terminal forgetfulness and depression. This simple concept was born from a spark of inspiration, in 2006, when our founder, Amma-Lee, learned of Frank Warren’s PostSecret project. …
Read more →We are inundated with a barrage of pressure coming at us from every direction, telling us that we’re supposed to be happy. There are songs that espouse it, slogans that preach it, and TV shows that dramatize it. We’re frequently …
Read more →To escape the terror of abuse many of us would dissociate by dreaming of future possibilities. We would construct magnificent imaginary glass castles. This exercise could transcend into relationships, jobs, and school. We would build entire villages of glass castles …
Read more →Our Lives Our Stories is a global anthology of abuse survivors’ stories and recovery tools. You are invited to join a global movement of individuals who are sharing their stories of survival and the tools they’ve used to overcome personal struggles to live …
Read more →Throughout our lives we all face physical limitations. Many survivors suffer from adrenal fatigue, chronic pain, PTSD, and other ailments. It is easy to become ensnared in self-pity and comparing our abilities to the abilities and health of others when …
Read more →Feelings of being broken and dirty, due to abuse, both lend themselves to a desire to hide away in isolation. Survivors can feel as if other people are able to tell what has happened to them by the way they …
Read more →Have you struggled to find the “right way,” or the strength, to say, “No?” Trying to regulate the reactions and emotions of others is a common trait for those who have survived trauma and abuse. We were taught that we …
Read more →The isolation of abuse made us feel like we were trapped in an aquarium. We felt exposed and vulnerable to the judgment of others. Meanwhile, from behind the walls of our glass cage, we watched the lives of others pass …
Read more →The world seems to spin faster on some days than on others. We can easily feel caught up in the speed with which other people live their lives, especially when those people judge how we live ours. Being dictated to …
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