Welcome to Transcendental Services, LLC. We know that you have had quite the journey to arrive in this moment in your life, and we honor and respect all of your efforts, you magnificent and wondrous being!

Services Available

We offer several tailored facilitation services to fit your needs. Please refer to course listings to review modalities utilized in service offerings. All services are available to: individuals, relationships, groups, and organizations. To ease equitable access to our services and courses, we offer in-person, remote, accompaniment, retreats, and are willing to travel to your location. At this time our offerings are in English, Dutch, French, and through use of interpreter support. All services are egalitarian and therefore provided on a sliding scale, which is determined by the client or student. (Please see below under the IMPORTANT FINE PRINT section for additional information.)

Personal, Relationship, and Group Services:

  • Psychosocial Counseling and Crisis Intervention: Focuses on tailored modalities that utilize tools to strengthen short-term coping, decision making, grounding, conflict resolution, and mediation.
  • Facilitation: Processing on a deeper and more sustainable level, to heal wounds with recurrent impact on resiliency and whole life satisfaction.
  • Intensive Guidance: Partial-day, Full-day, and Retreat/Ceremony services. For those who are seeking deep-dive immersive healing experiences, transcendental facilitation, and ceremony/ritual officiation.
  • Coaching: Professional and Relationship Coaching Services
  • Somatic Integration: Physical and psychosocial healing integration sessions

To make a service, training, or speaking request please fill out our INTAKE forms.

We are honored to facilitate your healing and educational journey.


Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC

Courses, Workshops, and Lectures

In addition to the above services, we offer specialization courses, workshops, and lectures for those who would like to expand their personal practice, as well as those who would like to become certified Transcendental Services practitioners. Many of our 68 courses are available a la cart, without enrollment in one of our 4 certification programs. However, courses with multi-level designation must be completed in their sequential order.

If you are seeking certification, and have previous academic or practical knowledge in course subjects, we accept proposals for advanced placement course credit, and will consider previous course work and life experience. To place out of a required course, for certification, a skills review test is necessary. For additional information and application, submit your interest via the contact form.

Psychosocial Counseling Courses:

  • Ethics in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
  • Grounding
  • Mirroring
  • Validation
  • Active Listening
  • Intro to Feelings and Body Mapping
  • Intro to Non-Violent Communication
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Unhealthy vs Healthy Coping Strategies
  • Approach: Directive vs Guided vs Facilitation
  • Guiding Visualizations
  • Suicide Intervention Protocols
  • Personalized Affirmations
  • Coping Strategies for Panic and Anxiety Attacks
  • 6 Steps of Decision Making
  • Grief Processing 1
  • Breathwork 1: Mindfulness and Present Sensory Awareness
  • Creating a Safe Environment
  • Safe Conflict 1: Agreements
  • Safe Conflict 2: Basket Holding/Daily Debriefs
  • Safe Conflict 3: Knee to Knee
  • 5 Stages of Healthy Relationship Development and Dating Plans
  • Ideal Partner Characteristics
  • Amends Making
  • Establishing Safe Physical Distance and Boundaries
  • Energetic Awareness, Safety, and Locks
  • Intro to 12-Step Recovery
  • Lifestyle and Relationship Contracts and Agreements
  • Household and Personal Budgeting Skills

Psychosocial Facilitation Courses:

  • 10 Steps to Advanced Grounding
  • Breathwork 2: Holotropic
  • Breathwork 3: Transcendent
  • Personalized Holistic Wellness Structures and Matricis
  • Applying the 12-Step Recovery Method to Cross-Addiction (12 Courses)
  • Establishing And Maintaining Healthy Boundaries and Consequences in Relationships
  • Establishing And Maintaining Healthy Boundaries and Consequences in Parenting
  • Stages of Trauma Healing
  • Safe Expression of Anger
  • Grief Processing 2 (5 Courses)
  • Nature Processing Walks and Dialogue
  • Emotionally Expressive Art Creation
  • Peer Support Group Creation
  • Regression Techniques 1: Physical
  • Regression Techniques 2: Symbolic
  • Regression Techniques 3: Personalities and Inner Dialogue
  • Healing Platonic Holding
  • Somatic Integration
  • Body Drumming
  • Energetic Protection and Cord-Cutting
  • Open Throat Singing, Toning, and Chanting
  • Personalized Altar Creation
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Intuitive Amulet Making
  • Movement and Dancing as Healing Modality
  • Warm Water Re-birthing

Psychosocial Guide Courses:

  • Training of Trainers
  • Intensives Guidance
  • Retreat Structuring
  • Ritual and Ceremonial Officiation
  • Providing Supervision to Practitioners

Professional Courses:

  • Introduction to Stress Management
  • Burnout Assessments and Prevention
  • Establishing Peer Support Groups
  • Contract/Salary Negotiation Skills
  • Rapid LinkedIn Network Growth Strategies
  • Creating the Ideal Job Description for You
  • Determining Ideal Client Base
  • Ethics in Business Practices

Important Fine Print


Transcendental Services, LLC and Amma Lee’s services and offerings are conducted in the utmost confidence. Information related to the sessions will be divulged only at the client’s request, or if law requires. Please note the following circumstances requiring disclosure:

  • Child abuse or neglect
  • Sexual or Gender Based Violence or Elder abuse
  • Imminent danger to self
  • Imminent danger to others
  • Court order by judge


Fees are determined by respecting the personal integrity of each client, student, and organization. Therefore, all services are provided on a sliding scale, determined by the client or student, between $120-$350 per session or course of 50 minutes. 

Payments must be made at least 24 hours prior to your appointment either via PayPal:

Or in cash at the beginning of an in-person session.

Ensure your PayPal payment is listed as a gift or for friends or family to avoid being charged for fees incurred by Transcendental Services, LLC or Amma Lee by PayPal.

All service for service and barter exchange agreements must be proposed and approved via email prior to initiation of service provision or course. We ask that travel, accomodation, and food expenses be paid for all accompaniment and travel related client requests to be considered.


All Transcendental Services, LLC sessions and courses whether in-person, via phone, remote, or messaging app last up to 50 minutes, unless arranged or agreed upon prior.

Appointments for sessions and courses can be made by:

Leaving a Text or WhatsApp Message: +1-512-888-7330

Scheduling via the online calendar:

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Clients are asked to make a payment for sessions cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled appointments, before additional appointments can be made.

Anyone who receives services through Transcendental Services, LLC are required to agree to the following prior to receipt of services:

Consent for Services and Waiver of Liability

The undersigned (“Client”) hereby freely consents to receipt of services from: Transcendental Services, LLC and Amanda Lee (“Amma”)

Client, (“I”) agrees as follows:
I, the client, understand and agree that I will provide Transcendental Services, LLC with complete and accurate health information. I understand that Transcendental Services, LLC and Amma’s training and facilitation services are designed to be an ancillary aid to wellbeing and not licensed mental health services, therapy, or primary medical treatment for any condition.

1. A representative of Transcendental Services, LLC and I have discussed the potential benefits and possible side effects of services and I have agreed to receive services provided by Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC. I have been given an opportunity to ask questions and have received all requested information.

2. I understand that physical touch is an integral aspect of Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC’s offerings and services. I agree to immediately inform Amma of any unusual sensation or discomfort so that the application of pressure may be adjusted to my level of comfort. I understand that the services provided by Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC may address sexual conditions, however the services are not explicitly physically sexual in any manner and that any illicit or abusive behavior by the client will be processed as a symptom, unless deemed by Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC to be grounds for termination of services.

3. I hereby assume full responsibility for receipt of Transcendental Services, LLC and Amma’s offerings and services and release and discharge Transcendental Services, LLC and Amma from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, actions, or causes of action arising from the services received hereunder, including, without limitation, any damages arising from acts of active or passive negligence on the part of the Amma or Transcendental Services, LLC , to the fullest extent allowed by international law. I understand that receipt of services is considered a completed transaction and that no refund of services rendered will be provided.

4. I, in signing this consent for Services and Waiver of Liability (“Consent”), understand and agree that this Consent will apply to and govern the current and all future sessions and offerings performed by Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC.

5. I further affirm and fully acknowledge that Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC’s training and facilitation services do not diagnose disease or illness, do not provide any type of clinical or licensed mental health service or treatment, and do not prescribe medications. I have stated and resolved all concerns or grievances. I declare that all information I have provided is true and accurate. I will inform Amma and Transcendental Services, LLC of any changes in my status.