A piece on the personal archeology of victim blaming and the exclusion of survivors as actors in social change and healing. She sat at her desk, Me, staring at the curtain patterns behind her head, Wide eyed and eager to …
Read more →A piece on the personal archeology of victim blaming and the exclusion of survivors as actors in social change and healing. She sat at her desk, Me, staring at the curtain patterns behind her head, Wide eyed and eager to …
Read more →The only thing within you that is capable of controlling you is the thing you choose to ignore. You do not have to close your eyes on your life or your past. How often has shame, guilt, and fear caused …
Read more →A reader writes in asking for guidance in how to raise children in a situation where one of the parents is in active addiction. Amanda Lee introduces the reader to the concept that alcoholism does not only affect the alcoholic, but …
Read more →Have you ever struggled to find the “right words” or the strength to say No? You are not alone. Trying to regulate the reactions and emotions of others is a common trait for those who have survived trauma and abuse. …
Read more →Dear Amma-Lee, I was raised in part by my grandparents in a violent, alcoholic, abusive home. When my grandfather died (sexual and physical abuser) 4 years ago, I felt relief and thought I moved on with my life. I don’t remember …
Read more →A reader writes in sharing her experience of struggling to find her voice after leaving an abusive relationship. Despite being in a caring environment now, she still feels as if she is unable to restore herself to her former sense …
Read more →In this inspiring video Amma-Lee expresses to us how wondrous our lives can be when we stop looking outside of ourselves to validate our self-worth. She asks us to refocus our attention not on our plans or in comparing ourselves …
Read more →There is a relief that comes from no longer holding onto the tension and the weight of past hurts. You’ve heard me say it before: Get the old broccoli out of your internal refrigerator. You are NO ONE’S garbage can! …
Read more →Our Lives Our Stories is an international community project creating global resiliency through participatory story telling and tools sharing. You are invited to join a global movement of people sharing their stories of survival and the tools they’ve used to …
Read more →We need to demystify addiction recovery. Why do people relapse? What can be done to prevent relapse from occurring, and who is responsible? A reader writes in to find out! Dear Amma-Lee, I feel ready to move on with my …
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